Since 2017, Baker City Downtown has won over three quarters of a million grant dollars to support historic preservation and community revitalization.
Oregon Heritage Grants
Oregon Main Street Revitalization Grant
The Oregon Main Street Revitalization Grant supports downtown revitalization efforts in communities participating in the Oregon Main Street Network. The purpose of the grant is to acquire, rehabilitate, and construct buildings on properties in designated downtown areas statewide; and facilitate community revitalization that will lead to private investment, job creation or retention, establishing or expanding viable businesses, or creating a stronger tax base. First and foremost, the awarded project must be a benefit to all.
Grants may be awarded up to $400,000 with a 30% match. Baker City Downtown will begin accepting Letters of Intent in January 2025. LOIs will be reviewed by BCDs Grants Committee to select one applicant in February 2025. The completed application is due March 13, 2025.
Diamonds in the Rough Grant
Diamonds in the Rough grants are to restore or reconstruct the facades of buildings that have been heavily altered over the years. The purpose is to return them to their historic appearance and potentially qualify them for historic designation (local or national).
Grants may be awarded up to $20,000 with a 50% match. Application opens: January 29, 2025. Application Deadline: May 7, 2025. Awards late June 2025.
Preserving Oregon Grant
The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) offers matching grants for rehabilitation work that supports the preservation of historic resources listed in the National Register of Historic Places or for significant work contributing toward identifying, preserving and/or interpreting archaeological sites.
Grants may be awarded up to $20,000 with a 50% match. Letter of Intent to apply is REQUIRED and must be submitted by the deadline. LOI Opened: January 29, 2025. LOI Deadline: April 9, 2025. If LOI is accepted, an application will be opened. Application Deadline: May 7, 2025. Awards late June 2025.